Naked is not so much the absence of clothes, it is more to being unable to protect yourself
from the less desirable elements from your environment. When you kill a person, the repercussions only affect him for a lifetime. When you kill their identity, you can steal their history, try to steal their spiritual power, get them to worship you via your god that bestows money to their blessed ones and steal all the glory that was in their name. In essence you can take their power and their glory, forever and ever, if you keep teaching their generation of children to feel inferior based on the destruction of their name. We are only regarded as black / African in origin, in the west and now in the rest of the world. Through a deliberate mis-education of our children, with a cultivated lie being passed as the truth to our youth. We are now under the impression that melanated people were first discovered in Africa, this could not be further from the truth, as all the self-acclaimed great discoverers of lands around the world, always found melanated people already living there.  The roman historians’ breakdown how they found melanated people when they first came to the land now known as England. The migration of the German tribes known as the Angles, who later renamed the territory Angles land, better known as England, arrived much later. These tribes were not the builders of Stonehenge. Melanated people were found everywhere, however to keep the slavery programming intact we have to become black and originate from an apparently improvised mentally and spiritually place.

Why not teach the children that all the money in the world is based on resources that come out of the places where their ancestors were found? Gold, oil and drugs are still what makes the financial world go around. it would appear that a person’s inability to exploit, commit genocide, enslave and then mentally poison the children of those who you enslave, makes them inferior and primitive. Sadly, God is not coming to help us and even the catholic church has given up on Jesus. These concepts were not designed to free us, they were designed to pacify and control us. No one is afraid of the term black power, they fear black control.  After the destruction of the history of Africa and colour theft of all its glories, how proud are people really to be black and African. These labels have been used as method to destroy the melanated minds and created a huge gulf from who he is and what he has been told to believe he is. Whilst others enjoy the resources of our ancestors and subjugate us, by using our ancestors’ magic. We openly serve our ignorance by claiming these modern god concepts that allowed people to enslave us, has really come to save us. No history, no god of our own, no clue. Anyone using the term black power as a rallying tool is sadly just part of the deception. True power is not the money, it is what you can persuade another person to agree to do, based on what you can get them to believe.  Our ancestors were not the willing slaves as we have now become. Religion or money will not deliver us from this constructed evil. The knowledge and true power is within us; we need to reset our minds to a time when we were not so damn afraid of what others thought of us. Seek and you will find, as we are all creative aspects of unimaginable power. We will never be the controllers of this story line, we have to understand, we have to write our own version, in a mental language based on the truth. Our Ancestors roots can still be found in the mysteries of our deeper selves. You can`t change the world, you can only change how you see it. Eventually you will understand what is really taking place and appreciate that you have been empowering your own destruction all along. In Africa and around the world, people are recognised by the tribes they come from. When everyone has dark skin, their colour will not create no unity. This is a foreign problem, caused by someone who has stolen your home.  Education does not tell who killed your identity, it just keeps the system in check, by cloning everyone to keep thinking in the same spiritually poisoning ways.

Edison Agbandje


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