Naked is not so much the absence of clothes, it is more to being unable to protect yourself from the less desirable elements from your environment. When you kill a person, the repercussions only affect him for a lifetime. When you kill their identity, you can steal their history, try to steal their spiritual power, get them to worship you via your god that bestows money to their blessed ones and steal all the glory that was in their name. In essence you can take their power and their glory, forever and ever, if you keep teaching their generation of children to feel inferior based on the destruction of their name. We are only regarded as black / African in origin, in the west and now in the rest of the world. Through a deliberate mis-education of our children, with a cultivated lie being passed as the truth to our youth. We are now under the impression that melanated people were first discovered in Africa, this could not be further from the truth, ...