Happy birthday ,Princess Aladegoroye, Executive Director ,Nubia Africa Group

We celebrate a Warrior Queen, a woman of honor. A strong woman who overcame all that was ment to destroy her and came out victorious. Behind the smile there are rivers of tears , behind the laugh there are pain and strength. She is the Ancestors reincarnated, full of love and kindness. She is a blessing to us at Nubia Africa. She loves without blemish ,she give as if her life depends on it, she cares for all, both young and old. She is selfless , courageous and an empath. A woman of many path, a servant leader, a Pathfinder, mentor ,counsellor, defender, provider, a humanist per excellence. A pan African and a reformer. A lover of culture and tradition. A true lover of nature. To know PRINCESS is to love her. We Celebrate our Executive Director @ Nubia Africa Tv. Happy solar return. May the Universe bless you. May your cosmic reinvent globally. Happy birthday our LOVE... nubiaafrica.blogspot.com Sign: Admin